We can all do the 2.6 Challenge – 26 April

Let’s all get involved in campaign we are currently running as part of The 2.6 Challenge.

With hundreds of events postponed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, thousands of charities have had to reduce or stop services. The 2.6 Challenge is a simple way for the public to support the UK’s charities. The challenge is taking place on Sunday 26 April, the day when the Virgin Money London Marathon would have taken place.

A 2.6 can be any activity from running 2.6 miles, holding an online workout with 26 of your friends, or doing 26 press-ups.  If anyone wants to lead a Zoom challenge for Barnet Home Heroes, then you could challenge your team to take part – jugglers, keepie uppers, skippers – the list is endless!

We need to give this a nice big push.  Remember 82% of Charity Funding nationally goes to only 4% of organisations, our small local groups, that are working at the heart of our community are always at the back of the queue but always first to stand up and support their communities when their help is needed, just as they are doing right now!  Remember all monies raised will go to support the community we all serve!

We are asking people to get involved in the 2.6 challenge to support the Barnet Community Response Fund, which is supporting charities and community groups to support residents in communities across Barnet. Further information can be found here.  The Barnet Community Response Fund is a longer term response to Covid and I will be in touch again next week to ask you to support the longer term effort.

We have put together some materials to use on social media and would be very grateful if you could share amongst your networks and promote. I have attached the relevant graphics to use to this email. Below are some examples of tweets to use which can be modified as necessary:

Support the Barnet Community Response Fund with your #TwoPointSixChallenge! Proceeds will support community groups and charities in Barnet to respond to the COVID-19 crisis. Click the link for more info and donate now! @BarnetTogether #BarnetHomeHero

Barnet needs you! Use your #TwoPointSixChallenge to support the Barnet Community Response Fund who are helping community groups and charities e.g. providing goods for food banks and #PPE for volunteers!
Read more here

@BarnetTogether #BarnetHomeHero

Want to support the Barnet Community Response Fund, which is helping charities and community groups to support residents in Barnet? Follow the link to find out how you can help with your #TwoPointSixChallenge!

@BarnetTogether @BarnetCouncil #BarnetHomeHero

Time is of the essence so we would be grateful if you could get your comms teams on this today.  Together, we can make a difference in Barnet.

Best wishes
On behalf of Barnet Together

Caroline, Katrina and Janet


Posted in Community, Covid-19.