Wiley Statement by Barnet Multi Faith Forum (BMFForum)

We, Barnet Multi Faith Forum (BMFForum) condemn the antisemitic, provocative, and dangerous, insults against the Jewish community by the rap performer Wiley which were totally unacceptable and irresponsible.

We affirm the dignity of members of all faiths to stand together as we did in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd, to condemn this and any other hate filled views that target one community or faith group, which seek to divide us.

We expect social media platforms to act swiftly and decisively to remove such hateful material whenever it occurs.

We are living in volatile and challenging times in which emotions run high and there are those who are purposely fuelling the fire.

The mission of the BMFForum is to promote dialogue, knowledge, and education, by organising events and activities that lead to a better understanding of the complexities around religion, faith, and belief, this builds upon mutual respect, trust, and confidences.

There is therefore more need than ever for our Forum and our other partners, to maintain our objective of supporting one another, as neighbours and communities, promoting our messages of zero tolerance to hate.

Together we affirm respect for our Jewish community here in Barnet. Together we can build respect for all in Barnet.

For social media: #wearenotdivided #zerotoleranceofhate

Esmond Rosen
President of BMFForum

For and on behalf of the BMFForum Executive

Posted in Community.