Support your community by becoming a Barnet COVID-19 Health Champion

Today, we are really pleased to announce the launch of the new Barnet COVID-19 Health Champions. The COVID-19 Health Champions project aims to empower hundreds of Barnet residents to be up to date on the latest advice about COVID-19, discuss it and share it with friends, family and the wider community.

This email includes:

  • An overview and how to get involved
  • Ways to promote the project
  • Promotional materials (attached poster and social tile) for you to share

About Barnet COVID-19 Health Champions

COVID-19 Health Champions enables Barnet residents to remain up to date on the latest advice about COVID-19, so they can help family, friends and other community members make sense of the latest guidelines and information about the virus. As a Health Champion, you will receive regular updates on COVID-19 by email, WhatsApp or in live information sessions, and be able to share onward the key and current health messages with your networks, in whatever format that you like.

So, if you live, work, volunteer or study in Barnet, please sign up as a Health Champion by visiting: and complete the short registration form.   

The Health Champions is being delivered by Barnet Council in partnership with Groundwork London, part of Barnet Together. For more information, please see the attached poster; or email the team:

Promoting the project together

Together, we can make sure that everyone in Barnet has the information they need to take informed decisions and stay safe and healthy.

We would really appreciate your support in promoting the COVID-19 Health Champions to help engage the diverse Barnet community. Some ways you can help:

Email to colleagues / your network

  • Please use copy above to promote sign up and forward on to your wider networks: ‘Support your community by becoming a Barnet COVID-19 Health Champion’ 
  • Include poster attachment: ‘Become a Health Champion’ PDF

Share on social media
Through your organisations Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram:

  • Share the attached social media tile
  • Use suggested caption: Do you live, work, volunteer or study in Barnet? Support your community and sign up as a COVID-19 Health Champion. Visit 
  • Tag: @barnetcouncil @barnettogether
  • Use: #BarnetHealthChampions

Sign up as a Health Champion 

Last of all, you too can sign up as a Health Champion and share current information and infographics about COVID-19 amongst colleagues and throughout the organisation. Please sign up by completing the online registration form.


Posted in Community, Covid-19.