Update from the Inter Faith Network: Integration Report and Hate Crime Report

Recent Government publications on integration

The UK Government has published online its response to the Integrated Communities Strategy consultation that was published by it in March last year and its Integrated Communities Action Plan for England.

The Plan “will create stronger, more confident and integrated communities, where people, whatever their background, can live, work, learn and socialise together, based on shared rights, responsibilities and opportunities”. 

Hate Crime

A number of reports have recently been issued which relate to hate crime. The Community Security Trust published earlier this month its 2018 Antisemitic Incidents Report;  the All Party Parliamentary Group on Hate Crime its report ‘How can we build community cohesion when hate crime is on the rise?; and Hope Not Hate its report ‘State of Hate’ 

Faith and inter faith bodies offer important support in contexts where there are, for example, attacks on places of worship or faith community cemeteries – as well, of course, as more widely.  This assistance is both practical and an important witness to solidarity, as reflected in the publication of IFN with the Government, Crown Prosecution Service, National Police Chiefs’ Council and National Fire Chiefs Council

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