Statement from the CTN to its members in support of our Christian and Sri Lankan community

Today we mourn and send a message of reassurance to our Sri Lankan and Christian communities in Barnet, in light of  the deadly attacks on Christians celebrating Easter Sunday and to visitors to Sri Lanka that have so far resulted in the very sad deaths of 320 people and a further 500 who are wounded.

Our Communities Together Network continues to work with all of our diverse communities to highlight the detrimental effects of such hate crime and that this has no place in our borough. We share the message from the Barnet Multi Faith Forum that these religious attacks only reinforce our desire and commitment to work in solidarity with people of all faiths and beliefs.

Together, we in Barnet will stand strong and united against all forms of religious hatred. We will ensure that we work even harder to build Barnet’s safe and strong communities through understanding and peace.

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