Hate Crime Awareness Week

As part of National Hate Crime Awareness Week, Barnet will be hosting a number of events across the borough. Hate crime is an issue that affects the entire community. No one deserves to be targeted with abuse because of their disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, faith, race, religion or national origin. The project aims to show people that we will not let hate crime escalate in Barnet.

Last year we launched our Hate Crime Awareness Campaign: Barnet – Say No to Hate Crime: Speak Up, Get Support and Report It! The project ties in with the Barnet 2024 Corporate Plan outcome aimed at building safe and strong communities where people get along well. One of the priorities under this outcome is “taking a zero-tolerance approach to hate crime”.

Research has shown that hate crime can escalate and spread if it is left unchecked within a community. Hate crime can be targeted against its victims on the grounds of disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, faith, race, religion or national origin. It can include offences such as verbal abuse, criminal damage, bullying, assault, harassment and offensive graffiti. There has also been a recent surge in online hate crime, particularly through the use of social media. Over Hate Crime Awareness Week 2019, we want to reach out to members of our community to encourage reporting of hate crime by becoming a Hate Crime Reporting Champion. Increased reports will allow the police and their partners to build up a statistical picture of hate crime hotspots, so they can target resources towards stopping it. This could include more police patrols or community workshops to bring people together.

Barnet Council has therefore partnered with the Metropolitan Police (Safer Transport Team), Barnet Mencap, Barnet Homes, Community Barnet, Inclusion Barnet, Community Security Trust, Barnet Multifaith Forum and Middlesex University to to spread public awareness and understanding of hate crime, and the effect it has on its victims. At awareness raising events across the borough, community support workers will talk to members of the public about identifying hate crime and the ways in which it can be reported to the Police. This will include information about Barnet’s Hate Crime Reporting Centres, where vulnerable adults can get support if they need assistance to speak up about hate crime.

Hate Crime Awareness Pledge
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