Call for Volunteers for our Inter Faith 2018 event

Celebrating Inter Faith Week 2018 – Tuesday 13 November 2018

As you are aware, we are participating in an Interfaith Fair at Middlesex University on Tuesday 13th November, from 10am to 3pm.  We are looking for volunteers to be on the BMFF stall during the day, and would therefore be grateful if you could let us know if you would be able to do a 2-hour slot at any of the following times:  

9.30-11.30, 11.30- 1.30, 1.30 – 3.30.

Depending on the response, we will distribute a rota at the meeting on 7th November…..or urgently seek additional volunteers!

Thanks to those who have already expressed a willingness to help, and thanks in advance for those of you are about to do so.

Please email indicating a time slot when you are able to help.

Thank you

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