COVID-19 pandemic : A Faith Sector message of Reassurance and Hope

Amid the fear and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, faith groups bring a message of reassurance and hope.

Faith groups offer a warm and welcoming presence providing care, protection and support to all those within their community. This is an honoured, long term tradition with a focus for the sick, disabled, vulnerable and lonely. Our belief and practice of working together with other faiths, will help us move through the challenges today in the wider community to promote health, wellbeing and peace for all.

If anyone needs faith or spiritual support, they should contact their faith leader (Minister, Rabbi, Priest, Imam, etc.). If someone is not a member of a faith group but would like to be put in touch with a faith organisation they can contact BMFF at

In this spirit of working together for all people, we would invite faith and community groups in Barnet to let us know what they are doing to support the community at this time so that we learn from each other, publicise and promote our work via a Pandemic Support webpage on the BMFF website.

This will also have links to Government, Barnet Council, NHS, Voluntary and Faith Organisations websites

Barnet Multi Faith Forum Co-chairs
Esmond Rosen & Trevor Alexander.

Posted in Community, Covid-19, Faiths.