Exhibition: World Peace, can it happen?

Start date: October 15, 2018
End date: October 16, 2018
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Middlesex University main entrance atrium (The Quad)

FREE Event introduced by Soka Gakkai International.

[Soka Gakkai International (SGI) is a socially engaged Buddhist movement that actively promotes peace, culture and education based on a belief in positive human potential and respect for the dignity of life. For more information about the organisation visit www.sgi.org.]

‘Seeds of Change’
(Award Winning exhibition linked to UN Earth Charter)

‘Transforming the Human Spirit’
(concerned with peace and security including nuclear weapons)

‘What is SGI-UK’


The Barnet Multi Faith Forum the strategic voice of the faith sector in Barnet is delighted to be involved with Soka Gakkai International, in supporting this exciting programme, to promote peace, dignity and respect for life. These are the pivotal values that unite us to stand together in demonstrating our mutual esteem for all those of different faiths and beliefs. 

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