Barnet Climate Action Month Closing Event at RAF Museum

On July 15th, 2024, the Barnet Net Zero team organized the Barnet Climate Action Month Closing Event at the RAF Museum. Four Barnet Citizen Assembly Action Groups, including the Faith-Based Action Group, reported on progress made over the past six months and outlined plans to achieve net zero for the borough by 2042.

Amir Ohadi, chair of the BMFF Sustainability Committee, presented the Faith Action Group and highlighted the recent Faith Partnership event and eco tour at New North London Synagogue led by Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg. This visit demonstrated how places of worship can inspire sustainable practices such as reducing waste, energy efficiency, biodiversity, gardening and green spaces, and all other aspects of the climate agenda across communities. Representatives from various faith groups and stakeholders, including Anglican, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Bahai, and Middlesex University, made significant contributions.
Looking ahead, the Faith Action Group will continue its mission within the Barnet Multi-Faith Forum Sustainability Committee. Farah Ali, representing the Barnet Council Sustainability team, has joined the BMFF Sustainability Committee to facilitate collaboration and faith partnership with the local government. The challenge is to establish robust data and communication infrastructure to deliver messages and support sustainable collaborations with faith communities. The establishment of a Barnet Faith Leaders Forum will be instrumental in further engaging faith communities in this green transition.
The Barnet Net Zero team has published their first Sustainability Annual Report.

Statement from BMFF on the death of Queen Elizabeth II


We are saddened at the news that our Queen has died. God rest her soul. In her Christmas broadcasts she regularly revealed the personal Christian faith that guided her life. She showed respect for the different faiths of the world. Our Forum has been always encouraged in its work of promoting interfaith dialogue and action in Barnet by her lead and faith.

We pass on our condolences to the members of her family.

God save the King.

Statement – Death of Sir David Amess.

We are saddened and appalled at the killing of Sir David Amess, a devoted Member of Parliament and a man of faith. The years of devotion he gave to serving his constituents and the spirit in which he did it is an example to us all. Truly a man for others. Our condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.

Statement issued by Deacon Anthony Clark of St Edward the Confessor on behalf of the executive and members of Barnet Multifaith Forum.  15th October 2021.

Barnet Council – Please Stop the Hate and Set a Date

Here are the Planning Application dates and status –

Application Received DateFri 03 Jul 2020
Application Validated DateMon 30 Nov 2020
Actual Committee DateNot Available
Latest Neighbour Consultation DateTue 09 Feb 2021
Neighbour Consultation Expiry DateMon 08 Mar 2021
Last Advertised In Press DateThu 28 Jan 2021
Latest Advertisement Expiry DateThu 18 Feb 2021
Last Site Notice Posted DateThu 28 Jan 2021
Latest Site Notice Expiry DateThu 18 Feb 2021
Agreed Expiry DateWed 30 Jun 2021
Decision Made DateNot Available
Determination DeadlineMon 01 Mar 2021

A joint Statement by Faith Leaders in Barnet and issued by The Barnet Multi Faith Forum

We have all witnessed the violence in Israel Palestine and in compassion with the victims are supporting a call for peace.
The ceasefire is a positive first step. Hopefully, we would like to see that soon followed by confidence-building initiatives.
In the UK, this has brought a passionate response from many people of all backgrounds in support of both the Palestinian people and Israel.
But in some cases, that empathy has also unleashed many voices of hatred, division, and fear – and acts of violence.
It is important for everyone who has a strong view on this issue to take a step back and reflect on their personal motives.
It is equally important for us to ask ourselves, ‘are we truly listening to the pain of those with who we don’t agree?’
As faith leaders in Barnet, we believe the only way forward is through finding our common humanity and working for peace.
We have been doing this for decades, and especially so during the last year of COVID-19, looking out for each other with care and love.
Therefore, as we stand together, we ask everyone to do the same, to suspend our anger, and instead join us in a call for dialogue.
We understand there is much pain. We acknowledge the suffering and injustice and want to work for a calmer solution.

Signed by:

Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg – Senior Rabbi of Masorti Judaism UK.

Hadiya Masieh – CEO Groundswell Project Community Peace Building

The Rev’d Dr Julie Gittoes – Area Dean of Barnet

Rabbi Jeff Berger – Interfaith Advisor

Cllr Anne Clarke for Childs Hill, Barnet and London Assembly Member for Barnet & Camden

Suchita Rajadyaksha – Chair of Barnet Women’s Interfaith Network

David Clare – Acting Chair of BMFForum

Esmond Rosen – President and the Executive of BMFForum