A joint Statement by Faith Leaders in Barnet and issued by The Barnet Multi Faith Forum

We have all witnessed the violence in Israel Palestine and in compassion with the victims are supporting a call for peace.
The ceasefire is a positive first step. Hopefully, we would like to see that soon followed by confidence-building initiatives.
In the UK, this has brought a passionate response from many people of all backgrounds in support of both the Palestinian people and Israel.
But in some cases, that empathy has also unleashed many voices of hatred, division, and fear – and acts of violence.
It is important for everyone who has a strong view on this issue to take a step back and reflect on their personal motives.
It is equally important for us to ask ourselves, ‘are we truly listening to the pain of those with who we don’t agree?’
As faith leaders in Barnet, we believe the only way forward is through finding our common humanity and working for peace.
We have been doing this for decades, and especially so during the last year of COVID-19, looking out for each other with care and love.
Therefore, as we stand together, we ask everyone to do the same, to suspend our anger, and instead join us in a call for dialogue.
We understand there is much pain. We acknowledge the suffering and injustice and want to work for a calmer solution.

Signed by:

Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg – Senior Rabbi of Masorti Judaism UK.

Hadiya Masieh – CEO Groundswell Project Community Peace Building

The Rev’d Dr Julie Gittoes – Area Dean of Barnet

Rabbi Jeff Berger – Interfaith Advisor

Cllr Anne Clarke for Childs Hill, Barnet and London Assembly Member for Barnet & Camden

Suchita Rajadyaksha – Chair of Barnet Women’s Interfaith Network

David Clare – Acting Chair of BMFForum

Esmond Rosen – President and the Executive of BMFForum

Posted in Faiths, News.