A call for calm and peace

Dear friends

Following on from a statement issued from Camden Faith Leaders Forum, I’m aware of a reported situation in Golders Green.

At this time on  behalf of BMFForum, I just wish to appeal for calm on our streets and that for our faith leaders join in prayers and call for peace

We hope that whilst the current cease-fire in Israel/ Palestine holds our role as multifaith activists is to work harder for increased dialogue, understanding justice, and security for us all.

We need a period of calm to look for more ways that we can come together in unity and compassion.

Have a peaceful 🙏 weekend

Shabbat Shalom

Es Rosen

President BMFForum

Leader’s statement on antisemitism – message from Cllr Dan Thomas, Leader of Barnet Council

The shocking display of antisemitism on Saturday that went viral on social media and made the national news has sadly brought attention to Barnet for all the wrong reasons.

Antisemitism, hate crime, and racism have no place on our streets and are not tolerated. Thankfully we live in a borough where we are extremely proud of our diverse communities and the cohesive way in which these communities live together.

I’m pleased to say that the Metropolitan Police have already made arrests in connection with Saturday’s incidences of antisemitic abuse. The Police will be also carrying out additional patrols in the area at this time.

The council is resolute in upholding its commitments set out in the Barnet Faith Covenant to promote religious freedom, tolerance and respect. We work closely with Barnet Multifaith Forum and the wider faith communities in the borough to foster harmony and cohesion. But we must all unite to ensure that our borough is a welcoming home for everyone and stand against bigotry and intolerance that seeks to divide us. Together, we are Barnet.

Cllr Dan Thomas, Leader of Barnet Council