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BMFF Posts

BMFF joins with Barnet Council in condemning the devastating attacks in Israel

BMFF joined with the Leader of Barnet Council and the Leader of the Opposition in a statement that we must …

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Metropolitan Police Turnaround Plan 2023-2025

Met Commissioner Turnaround Plan letter to community stakeholders …

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Call for nominations – Barnet Civic Award 2023

Barnet – Civic Awards Poster 2023 A3 Find out more… …

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Celebrating Black History Month in Barnet

This October marks the 35th Black History Month (BHM), a national awareness campaign which recognises and celebrates the contributions of …

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Statement from BMFF on the death of Queen Elizabeth II

We are saddened at the news that our Queen has died. God rest her soul. In her Christmas broadcasts she …

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Funding – Celebrating Black History Month in Barnet

This October marks the 35th Black History Month (BHM), a national awareness campaign which recognises and celebrates the contributions of …

/ Community


Inspector Moseley & Esmond Rosen at The Barnet HMD

Interfaith Bulb Planting and Tree Plaque unveiling 29th October


Mitzvah Day Interfaith Cooking @JW3

© Photo by Yakir Zur

BMFF  secretary (Asmina 2nd from left) supporting fabulous Mitzvah Day Interfaith Cooking @JW3

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Tahseen, Councillor Barry Rawlings, Asmina, Vice Chancellor of Middlesex University Tim Blackman and David at the Changing the Culture Initiative event at Middlesex University on 6 June 2019

Pictures from the Big Iftar at the Fatwa Council with the Veterans

Cllr Richard Cornelius Leader of Barnet Council addressing the BMFForum at the IANL Mosque with a message of sympathy for victims of the Christchurch murders

7 days ago

Barnet Multi Faith Forum 2024 AGMThe key message of the forum was and is “Only by embracing each other, we become stronger, together”#bmfforum #barnetcouncil ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

What a privilege to serve alongside with Shaun Sanders in Barnet Multi Faith Forum. Sadly we are going to miss him as he moves on to greener pastures. Thank you Shaun for the hard work you had put in. We going to miss you.#bmfforum#agm ... See MoreSee Less
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