National Sadaqa Day

Date: March 24, 2019
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: The Centre for Islamic Enlightening, The Hippodrome, North End Road, Golders Green, London, NW11 7RP

Dear Friends of the Markaz,

A Warm Greeting to you all.

On Sunday the 24th of March is National Sadaqa Day. Sadaqa is the Arabic term of charity.

Charity is not only financial giving, but can be the smallest act such a smile.

For this great occasion the Markaz has ordered over 600 roses to be distributed by a group of our volunteers to spread good will in the local neighbourhood. The doors of our Centre will also be open and anybody who would like to visit is more than welcome to.

We also want to send a message to all those who believe they can divide communities by atrocious acts of hatred such as last week in Christchurch New Zealand or those before such as Manchester and Pittsburgh, that they will always fail to divide us.

No matter what our faith backgrounds are, the universal language we all speak is love, and we hope to show the Love will always defeat Hate.

We hope to see as many of you as possible and have attached a poster you can circulate amongst your friends and congregations if you would like to.

Many thanks once again.

Peace to all,

Markaz Management

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