IFN’s National Meeting and National Day of Reflection

Date: March 23, 2021
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Online

As you will have seen, the provisional programme for IFN’s National Meeting, ‘Faith Communities and COVID-19: Learning from the Journey’, circulated on Friday, includes a minute’s silence at the outset of the day to remember those lost to COVID-19. 

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement over the weekend (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56379232) of a National Day of Reflection and a silence at midday to remember those lost, the National Meeting minute of silence is being moved from the originally planned slot to coincide with this national moment.

The National Day of Reflection for 23 March (marking a year since the announcement of the first lockdown) was initiated and will be led by Marie Curie UK. Many events will be taking place linked to this and it is particularly timely and appropriate that IFN’s National Meeting on Faith Communities and COVID-19 falls on this day.

A reminder that you can register to attend the Meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtc-CvrzgrGdXcyg6MUG6NJw52QL2N-TS6.

Campaign to tackle false vaccine information

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has launched a new social media campaign to tackle false vaccine information online. The main aim of the campaign is to counter the spread of misleading and false information through private messaging channels on social media. It follows concerns from the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies of low vaccine uptake amongst some communities.https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-targets-false-vaccine-information-on-social-media  The toolkit can be found at https://dcmsblog.uk/check-before-you-share-toolkit/.

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