Humanising the narratives of migration post-brexit

Date: February 16, 2019
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Central London - to be confirmed

Whether you are pro or anti Brexit, one thing we can all agree on, there is a real risk that there will be some who will seek to use Brexit to further divide communities and to scapegoat migrants for problems that they have not caused. We are therefore very proud to be running a one day seminar (with our friends at Unite Community) on how we respond. This seminar will take place in London on 16 February, just six weeks before Brexit is due to take place (assuming nothing changes). We will be bringing together migrant support groups, anti-racist campaigners, trade unionists, academics and community groups to discuss, how we take control of the post Brexit narrative.

This one day seminar is for anyone concerned about the toxic scapegoating of migrants for the ills of our society, and in particular those who want to think about how we can come together to change the ‘hostile environment’ that has been deliberately created.

The event will take place in a central London venue (details to be confirmed) on Saturday 16 February from 10am through to 4:30pm. It will be free, and lunch will be provided.

If you would like join the discussion, then please register here

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