Middlesex University Inter Faith Network in collaboration with Barnet Multi Faith Forum is proud to present its second Faith and Peace Walk in Barnet. We aim to promote community cohesion, create interfaith dialogue, provide a safe space for people to enjoy themselves, and learn about some of the interesting buildings and architecture in Hendon.

Hendon is a place of rich architectural history and heritage. It has a variety of faith groups, open spaces, and buildings that will be featured in the London Festival of Architecture 2023. Please come and join us to explore some of these amazing spaces and places of worship beginning at 12pm for a 12.15 pm start (BST) from Hendon Overground Rail Station in our Faith and Peace Walk on Sunday 11th June 2023.
The day will be divided into regular stops so you can stay with the walk as long as you can to hear about the work of the venues, enjoy light refreshments, and use facilities. You can join the walk at any point and can rest and enjoy the stalls and displays on campus from 12.30 pm while waiting for the final event at 4 pm. The walk will end at The Grove, Middlesex University with light refreshments, architectural photographic displays, author talks, choir performance, and an opportunity to visit stalls and meet with other faith groups in Barnet.
Everyone is welcome, but please let us know if extra support is needed. You do not have to be of a specific faith or belief to attend. Children under the age of 18 need to be accompanied by an adult at all times.
The 2022 Faith Walk short film