Har Din Diwali: Film & Faith Discussion Panel to mark the occasion of Diwali

Date: November 3, 2021
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Online


Har Din Diwali, the South Indian film is dubbed in Hindi with English subtitles and is available to watch for free on YouTube: https://youtu.be/LwlZk_qZybc?t=24

Middlesex Inter Faith Network in collaboration with Barnet Multi Faith Forum are proud to present their second film discussion. Our aim is to create dialogue and learn from each other and what better way than through the medium of film?

Watch the film Har Din Diwali (Every Day is Diwali), at a time that suits you (before the event), then join panel members, Cllr. Caroline Stock, Dr James Charlton, Revd. Julie Gittoes, Rabbi Jeff Berger and Anna Hussain from Nisa- Nashim for questions and a lively discussion about the film.

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