Barnet Multi Faith Forum in collaboration with Middlesex University Inter Faith Network are proud to present its second series of film discussions. Our aim is to create dialogue and learn from each other and what better way than through the medium of film? You do not need to be religious or follow any faith or belief to take part in the discussion – the more different views, the better!
Time of the Gypsies is a luminous tale of Perhan, a young Romany with telekinetic powers, seduced by the quick-cash world of petty crime, which threatens to destroy him and those he loves.
Rent and watch the award-winning film with English subtitles, independently on YouTube, then join Cllr. Caroline Stock, Dr James Charlton, Revd. Julie Gittoes, Rabbi Jeff Berger, Milijana Bodroza – International Politics and Law Alumna and Anna Hussain from Nisa-Nashim, online for questions and a lively discussion.

Discussion themes will focus on:
• Crime
• Temptation
• Traditional and family values
• Supernatural powers
• Romany / Roma culture
Free to attend the discussion – people from all faiths and none are very welcome.