BMFF Forum Meeting – 19 March 2019

Date: March 19, 2019
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: IANL North Finchley Mosque, 685 High Rd, North Finchley, London N12 0DA

Join us at our Forum Meeting – Tuesday 19 March 2019.


Dear Friend and Supporter

Future developments of the Barnet Multi Faith Forum

Firstly, we would like to say a big thank you for your continued friendship and support. The valuable work of Barnet Multi Faith Forum (BMFF) in promoting peace and social cohesion would not be possible without your support.

As you may already be aware the strategy and business of the BMFF is managed by the Executive (a group of elected representative volunteers from faith groups within Barnet). However, many of you have expressed a keen interest in attending regular meetings to find out more about the opportunities to serve and contribute to building a stronger more cohesive inter faith community in Barnet. We are therefore very excited to inform you of our intention to arrange meetings for all our friends and supporters to encourage a wider participation in the varied work of BMFF.

These meetings will be called ‘Members Forum Meetings’ and will be chaired by Imam Hamid Qureshi our Vice-Chair. This expansion and development of the Forum should ensure we have more time to discuss and debate a greater diversity of specific faith related issues and therefore be in a better position to inform the Council of the challenges and concerns facing not just our faith organisations but the communities in which we live.

This first meeting will take place on Tuesday 19th March  at the IANL North Finchley Mosque 685 High Rd, North Finchley, London N12 0DA from 19.00 hrs at which light refreshments will be available for a 19.30 start.

To find out more and to become part of this Forum we hope you can joins us to participate in these exciting developments.

Please sign up to this event via the Eventbrite or RSVP direct to Imam Hamid at

Following registration of interest we will forward you an agenda for this meeting
Esmond, Trevor and Hamid

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