Wishing everyone a very Happy Chanukah.
Why not join in and share in our Candles of Hope for 2021 by putting a light in your window on the 17th December between 5 – 6pm. #candlesofhope2021
Wishing everyone a very Happy Chanukah.
Why not join in and share in our Candles of Hope for 2021 by putting a light in your window on the 17th December between 5 – 6pm. #candlesofhope2021
IFN has today advertised a fixed-term paid Internship from 14 January to 31 March. The post has a strong focus on youth inter faith support and working with HE and FE institutions. The post holder will be expected to work remotely while Government COVID-19 restrictions point to this, but will otherwise be primarily based at the London office.
Further information about the role is available on the IFN website athttps://www.interfaith.org.uk/involved/vacancies/jobs. A copy of the job description is also attached to this email.
The deadline for applications is 11 am on 4 January. There is a tighter than usual turn around on this recruitment. However, it would be appreciated if member bodies would draw this role to the attention of their members. Thank you.
As noted in Circular 42/20, sent on 17 November, Colin Bloom, Faith Engagement Adviser at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, is currently leading an independent review into how best the government should engage with faith groups in England.https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/independent-faith-engagement-review-call-for-evidence
A reminder that the closing date for responses is 11 December.