OLD Youth Forum

The Youth Forum aims to create a safe space where young people can engage together in a dialogue of aspirations and concerns in order to build a strong and vibrant multi-faith culture in the borough.

Rationale for the BMFYF

We live in a rich, colourful and diverse multi-cultural, multi faith society in which young people have an opportunity to shape an agenda for a peaceful, sustainable and inclusive community.

This diversity means that from the youngest age most of us are brought face to face with different world-views and different sources of ethical judgment and action

The strategic strength which diversity gives to Barnet is only unlocked when students and young people from different backgrounds are sharing stories, experiences, building friendships, understanding and trust which enable them to become involved in organizing and planning social action projects.

Over the last ten years, there has been a significant increase in inter faith learning and other activity run by, with and for young people, and a number of initiatives with this as their special focus.

There is therefore a clear opportunity for the Barnet Multi Faith Forum (BMFF) to profile some of the excellent inter faith youth activity that is already happening and stimulate more.

In addition we aim to give practitioners a chance to share good practice and to discuss ways to encourage more organisations and individuals to become involved and open the door to further cooperative working which will benefit young people in their faith communities, youth organisations, in schools, and institutions of Further and Higher Education in Barnet

Membership of the BMFYF

  • The BMFYF age group for its members should be from 15 years old to 25 years old, to truly encompass and represent all young people of a faith background in Barnet.
  • There should be clarity that the empowerment and engagement should be representative of all faiths, abilities, genders and socioeconomic backgrounds in the borough.
  • It will also be critical to balance the numbers of young people that may be studying,  in apprentices, employment or not, or in care.
  • Each faith youth group/ school / agency should nominate a designated staff lead / guardian and a link between the youth forum member and The BMFYF Youth Coordinator.
  • The faith group lead will select up to three young people to represent their faith group/ community.
  • The elected young person should commit to attending meetings and taking forward any agreed actions over the course of one year (term-time).
  • The BMFYF aims to be youth-led, so that the young people are the driving force of the forum’s direction, with support from the BMFYF

Barnet Multi Faith Youth Forum Proposed Structure and Governance :

  • Ideally the BYFF structure should be as informal as possible, but there is recognition that there will be need for capacity to centrally organise activities and events.
  • The proposed structure should mirror the Executive of the BMFF with specific portfolios divided up between teams that represent every faith and aims to be inclusive of both students and young people.
  • Specific portfolios will be developed upon consultation, but it should broadly reflect the aims of the Youth Forum to organize events, campaigns and outreach activities.
  • The BMFF Youth Coordinator should act as the Chair of the BYFF, and held to account for its activities by the Executive of the Barnet Multi Faith Forum.
  • The BYFF will function in accordance with the values, aims, principles and practices as enshrined within the BMFF constitution.
  • The Youth Faith Forum will be supported by the BMFF executive.
  • It will have the opportunity to elect an individual to the BMFF executive.
  • It will submit a updated and regular reports to the BMFF executive

Developmental practices

  • In recognition of the rapidly changing academic commitment of young people, the BMFYF accepts that the cohort of youth forum reps is subject to change each year.
  • For this reason, a yearly Manifesto will be drafted in consultation with the youth reps at the first meeting of each year.
  • The manifesto will set out the key priorities and actions the forum wish to collectively achieve.
  • BMFYF members should expect to meet once a month term time from September to April, with a view to reconvene for an end of year achievement event/celebration before the summer break.