Mitzva Day – Lasagne Bulb Planting

Date: November 19, 2023
Time: 10:15 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Finchley Methodist Church

Part of the Buzzy Bulbs & Meadows: Autumn 23 Pollinator Events collection

Plant and layer eighteen pollinator-friendly bulbs in a pot to take home, which will flower beautifully from early spring to late summer 2024.

This “Mitzvah Day” (good deed day), let’s take care of our precious and life-sustaining pollinators, while beautifying our community. The event is open to ALL members of the community from all faiths and none.

Come join us to plant and layer eighteen pollinator-friendly bulbs in a pot to take home, which will flower beautifully from early spring to late summer 2024. Once your pot is full with these pollinator-friendly bulbs, it’s all yours to take home or leave for a display at the church.

Do you want to brighten up your garden in the winter early spring months? Come and join us at the Finchley Methodist Church.

This event is free of charge, and is aimed at adding a little “pollinator buzz stop” to many places in Finchley, while bringing people .

We will bring all the materials with us, but if you have a large empty pot we would definitely appreciate it if you could bring it with you on the day.

Please wear comfortable clothes.


10:15am-10:30 arrival and registration welcome speech from Revd Martin, the Deputy Mayor and CEO of Mitzvah Day . This is mainly aimed at the Interfaith community, if you are only interested in planting, it’s perfectly fine to skip, and arrive straight to your chosen planting session, equally, you are welcome to join.

10:30 planting commences. Please register to one of three planting sessions (10:30-11/11-11:30/11:30-12).

The event is suitable for adults but families supervising children would also enjoy joining us.

Please order one ticket per adult. Children don’t require a ticket, and are very welcome. The event is suitable for all ages, and children under the age of 14 must be supervised by a parent/carer.

In the last year the project was funded by residents, Barnet Council and Waitrose. The autumn initiative (Buzzy Bulbs and Meadows) is funded by a private donation from a local resident.

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