ECO Show and Rell event

IFW2022 – Eco Show and Tell Sustainability Fair

Date: November 18, 2022
Time: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Location: Middlesex University, The Quad, College Building, Hendon, London, NW4 4BT

The Eco Show and Tell Sustainability Fair will be held on campus at Middlesex University in partnership with Barnet Multi Faith Forum, Middlesex University Inter Faith Network and Shiri Atsmon of non-profit sustainable children’s publishing house Helpful Kids.

Stewardship and protection of the planet lies at the heart of faith. Staff, students and the public will have the opportunity to hear about encouraging cycling and walking to get fit and reduce car usage, educating young people about nature, helping bees flourish, tasting vegan cakes, growing your own food, buying locally produced honey and things made out of rubbish, improving recycling and waste collection, indoor composting of food waste, eco-friendly cleaning products and children’s parties plus much more.

The event is part of the national week-long Inter Faith Week. We are delighted to shine a light on sustainability issues during this important week.

Open to ALL members of the community from all faiths and none. It is free to attend – no need to register – just come along and join in the fun!

Getting there: Closest tube station: Hendon Central (10 minute walk); closest bus stops: Middlesex University stop: 143, 183, 326, 643; The Burroughs stop: 113; Church End stop: 125

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