Public lighting of the large Menorah on Chanukah the Jewish Festival of Lights

Date: December 3, 2018
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Hendon Town Hall

chanukahA public lighting of the large Menorah on Chanukah the Jewish Festival of Lights will take place outside the Town Hall on Monday December 3rd outside Hendon Town Hall at 5:30 pm.

We are very grateful that the Mayor of Barnet has agreed to attend this special lighting ceremony.

The festival will be celebrated from Dec 2-10 and our ceremony will highlight the universal message of the Menorah – Light, Liberty and Religious Freedom.

We would be delighted to have any Council members of the BMFF, together with the faith communities and the public at large to attend.

Hot soup and some form of light entertainment will be arranged.

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